Monday, March 28, 2011

Fabric Choice

Thank you so much for voting on the fabric you like the best!!! I too Loved #1 the most and yes, it also happens to be a Michael Miller fabric which means it was the most expensive. So, the fabric will be here at the end of the week and I can't wait to get started!! Thanks again ladies!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fabric choices

You all know that I LOVE to sew!!! However, sometimes the hardest part is picking the fabric. I always get a vision of excatly what I want something to look like. I either can't find it or the fabric I fall in love with is too expensive. Since I am sewing for me daughter, who is 3, I really try to keep fabric cost down. That is how I keep my husband at ease when I come home with a bag of fabric or get some in the mail. I assure that I'm really saving us money by making her clothes. Then, there are cases like this one, where I almost can't resist. I am making my daughter an Easter dress so spending a little more would be okay, Right??

Well, I'm calling on you to help. I have a few fabric I like and one I love!! Please vote on your favorite and we'll see which one she will appears in on Easter Sunday.

#1- w/light pink ruffle at the bottom

#2- w/white ruffle at the bottom

#3- w/red or pink ruffle

I don't know why I get so anxious about picking fabric out but some projects just throw me off and I can't make up my mind. I really appreciate your time and would love your feedback. Leave a comment and I would LOVE for you to become a follower too!!! Good day!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Sewing Project

Since we moved out of our house in Houston on January 31, I haven't done much sewing....well NONE!! So I have set up my machine, finished a few small things and have a craving for a new project. With Easter coming up it is the perfect excuse to make a new dress for my Daughter!! After much search, I found the perfect pattern on Etsy from SewSweetPatterns! The Twirly Dress instantly looked like something my sweet silly daughter would look SO adoreable in!! Don't you agree??

I will hopefully get some fabric in a few days and get started!! I will have to make a little vest and bow tie to match for my little man.....Oh I can't wait!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why so amazed?

Many of you know that my family and I have just moved to Virginia. I was a LONG trip here and ended in the Emergency Room with both kids:( After both kids were healthy, we moved into a house and got unpacked, the first priority beside putting food in the fridge was to find a church home. For me a church is more like a family and as a stay home's my life line to human contact. While we were still in a hotel looking for a place to live I was scouring the local phone book and googleing every church in the area. Oh yeah, a very important piece of information, while in Houston we were members of Houston's First Baptist Church. Seriously the best church I have EVER been a member of in my life. (I grew up in church and I'm in my 20's...ok, late 20's) The pastor is an amazing teacher and man of the word, our Sunday School class and Small Group.......AWESOME....better than awesome!! I could go on but thats not what this is about. While searching for a new church, I began to think there is NO way we will find a church that will even compare to what we have been apart of for the past three and a half years. I began to doubt and began to think that we are going to have to settle. I even thought, " I could just watch the Pod Cast from Houston....seriously.

Well, for some reason I am writing about why I was so amazed that the new church we are attending is excatly what we needing and more then we could desire in a church family. This past Sunday was our 2nd Sunday to attend and we visited the young couples/emerging families class. On the way to church my husband and I were talking about our current struggle with our Strong Willed daughter. Each day we battle with the same issues of taking a nap, eating something other than a hot dog, cheese, and cereal and going to bed at night is a chore I dread. She is 3, incase you didn't know and pushing in everyway she can. So we walk into the class and there are about 7 couples ranging in age from 20's to 40's. Get this, they JUST started studying the book "Boundiaries with Kids" It was great to be able to talk to parents who have older kids and have been where we are and shared stories and advice. While sitting there I thought to does God do this? How in the heck does He meet our exact need at such an exact time and place? Later that day I thought, why am I so amazed that God did exact that He promised in so many parts of the Bible? A scripture that comes to mind is one that I've had memorized since college. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." WOW....and I doubted? Of all things, I doubted that there wasn't a church around us where God could use us?

So, I'm amazed that God thinks enough of me to provide not only my basic needs and prepared a place for me in His kingdom, but I'm even more amazed the God, the Creator, gives me WAY more than I deserve!!! He has blessed me to be apart of church family that is ministering to my heart and family more than I would of EVER expected. (and so much more of course)

Thank you God! Thank you so much!!